Frame sets and linking


Staff member
ok i am develeping a site to sell items. <br />
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now i want to have a frame on the left, that displays the product and a link, and when you lcik say paint, i want it to laod in the right side of the page. now i am reading my book but it isnt to clear on how to link frames and stuff. does anyone have a basic 2 frame site and how to link them?<!--content-->many people here frown upon frames, but here's what you need to get started anyway:<br />
for the index.html page:<br />
<br />
<html><head></head><br />
<frameset cols="250,*"><br />
<frame name="links" src="linkspage.html" frameborder="0"><br />
<frame name="main" src="main.html" frameborder="0"><br />
</frameset><br />
</html><br />
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for the links page :<br />
<br />
<html><head></head><br />
<body><br />
<a href="product1.html" target="main">product 1</a><br><br />
<a href="product2.html" target="main">product 2</a><br><br />
<a href="product3.html" target="main">product 3</a><br><br />
<a href="product4.html" target="main">product 4</a><br><br />
</body></html><!--content-->thanks,<br />
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i figured frames would be easy for what i need, if there is a better way i am all open<!--content-->is there a better way to link to items? see i need a side menu, and when you click on a link, then it opens the page on the right side leaving the menu. it makes it easy for people to nav that way. easier way then frames<br />
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or if i use frames, now i am confised with the above code.<br />
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do i make an page liek products.html then make a page links.html. and then link it or what.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="www">www ... M-Flocking</a><!-- m --><br />
theres an example of what i want<!--content-->You can make your first page with the menu on the left, and rename it to all your other pages. This way all pages will show the same menu. Then add different data in each page. they will look exactly as frames but are not, and ou will be better off. <br />
If you must have frames, it would be because you want more than two frames in a window.<!--content-->last night i was thinking on how to do this, and thought , exactly what jdavia said. something so easy could be mind racking! thanks i got it<!--content-->If you are selling items on this site, then frames are a bad idea. Either go with jdavia's suggestion, or use a DIV/CSS layout with ServerSide Includes; either way would be much better than using frames. :)<!--content-->