frame problem


i have a background pic and i want to put a frame in the background taking away the middle section of the background picture. how can i do that i cant get it to work. what is the code that i should use i want to display text and pics in the frame and i want to scroll also. any ideas would help.thanks<!--content-->You will have to specify, with <FRAME MARGINWIDTH=?> (left and right margins) and <FRAME MARGINHEIGHT=?> (top and bottom margins) can be done in pizels or %<br />
That way, you can place where you want the frame, the only problem is going to be with different display size for different users, the only way you can get absolute positioning will be with CSS.<br />
As for putting info in the frame, if you can write the code for it, you can put it in a frame, you will have to have the <br />
<FRAME SRC="URL"> point to a HTML that contains all the data you want in it. <br />
To get it to scroll is easy;<br />
You will also want to have the frame NOT resizable by putting this also;<br />
Hope that helps!<!--content-->Try an Iframe:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... scroll.htm</a><!-- m --> Do a search for "Iframe"<br />
<br />
OR: <br />
Make the image as the background of the BODY. Then make a centered table with a set width and height in Percent, (70% as a starter, with a background color. Add your data. You can add links in that table to load other pages if wanted. Either way it can look the same.<!--content-->Originally posted by warpedmonkey <br />
what is the code that i should use i want to display text and pics in the frame and i want to scroll also. any ideas would help.thanks [/B] <br />
<br />
Are you looking for the ability to change the information in this middle window without changing the rest?<br />
<br />
In that case use Iframe.<br />
<br />
If all you want is "display text and pics in a box with scrolls" then the following will work<br />
<br />
<div style="width:80%; height:60%; overflow:auto;"><br />
blabla<br />