Frame order on load.


Staff member
I want to be able to load my main frame before the other two frames. Becase the other two frames are just for navigation and have a high data size.<br />
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Any ideas ? - my web site is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->I'm just guessing here, maybe someone can assist you more, but is there a pause command or wait script to physically prevent the frame from loading?<!--content-->you could tell the main frame to oad the others when it was finished.... but this sounds like a bad idea all around.<!--content-->How do I go about doing this as I want people to read my main frame first as the menu is graphic intensive.<!--content-->Frames can load in any order, and there's no way to dictate the sequence.<br />
Why not have a smaller Interim page which then calls the menu to be loaded?<br />
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In lowGraphicsMenu.html:<br />
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<body onload='window.location.replace("intenseGrapicsMenu.html")'><br />
You could even use a setTimeout to delay the loading of the menu by a second or two to give the others a head start.<br />
<body onload='setTimeout("window.location.replace(\"intenseGraphicsMenu.html\")",2000)'><!--content-->I think javascript and OnLoad event will help you.<!--content-->Just a thought, but if your navigation frames are loading so slowly that it's causing a problem, why not concentrate on making them faster to load, i.e. reduce image file sizes, etc, rather than going to all the trouble of trying to make the frames load in a certain order.<br />
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It would surely look better if the overall site loaded at a reasonable speed.<!--content-->Good work jonhanlon ,<br />
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I will give that a go and I thank you sir.<!--content-->