frame keeps moving?


i have a frame that im using and i got it in the right spot on my web page, but when i go to a higher resolution the frame moves to the right blocking some of the other stuff on the web site how do i make it stay in that exzact postion?<br />
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-help<!--content-->It sounds like you are using % to size you frames. To keep it from moving, use an absolute pixel value.<!--content-->i agree with zach that normally happenes if you use %'s<!--content-->how can you give me an example..........<!--content-->Originally posted by warpedmonkey <br />
how can you give me an example.......... <br />
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It's MUCH easier if you provide a link to your site. Then people can just show you what to replace to fix your problem.<!--content--><frameset cols="10%,90%"><br />
<frame name="left" src="left.html" noresize /><br />
<frame name="right" src="right.html" noresize /><br />
<noframes><br />
Your browser doesn't support frames.<br />
</noframes><br />
</frameset><br />
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See where it says cols="10%,90%"? Change that to an absolute value for example cols="100,*". The asterisk means to use the left over space. Hope that helps.:)<!--content-->