Frame is selfish!


I've been at this for about a week now and have minimal success. This code is in the left frame of 3, one top, and one main viewing area. This form will open a link immediatly when it is clicked. The problem is; it will open the new page in it's own frame. I put target="Main_Page" but that makes no difference. It will still load in it's own frame. Even FrontPage has had no success with it. Nobody I've talked to can get it to work.<br />
<br />
Here's the code:<br />
<br />
<FORM name="Quick Index" target="Main_Page"><br />
<SELECT size=2 name="URL"<br />
onChange="if(options[selectedIndex].value)<br />
window.location.href=[selectedIndex].value)"><br />
<OPTION value="">C|net News and Technology</OPTION><br />
<OPTION value="">Dogpile MetaSearch</OPTION><br />
</SELECT><br />
<NOSCRIPT><br />
<INPUT type=submit value="Go"><br />
</NOSCRIPT><br />
</FORM><!--content-->Hi, just change the window location as shown below and it will work for you.<br />
<br />
<br />
onChange="if(options[selectedIndex].value) <br />
parent.Main_Page.location.href=[selectedIndex].value)"><!--content-->Thanks man. I've posted that message all over and you're the first to have helped. It, of course, did work the first time I tried it. Thanks again.<!--content-->