Frame Help


Strange how I've never needed to do this before, but now I need to know how to make a frame link open in the 'index' window.<br />
I hope you know what I mean, but if you can help or need me to explain better, then please reply!<!--content-->Hey Dave, <br />
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Do you mean having a new page completely reload fresh? or into your main window?<br />
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For a page to clear your frames, you need to put:<br />
<base target="_top"> <br />
in the HEAD tags.<br />
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Or you can add it in your link:<br />
<a href="" target="_top"><br />
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If you want it to go into your frames, where your main page is, you need to make the target whatever name you called that frame. <br />
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That's what I use and it works. If I'm off, someone let me know. :)<br />
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I hope that helps Dave.<!--content-->I'll explain what I'm trying to do better:<br />
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I have three frame sets, 'top' 'left' and 'main'<br />
I have links in 'left' but I don't want them to open in 'main' 'left' or 'top' I also don't want them to open in a new window. I hope you understand what I'm trying to do and I'd be very grateful if you could help.<!--content-->yep, target="_top" in your links will pop you clean out of your frameset and open your url in the existing window. If you have your top frame named "top", then rename it because "top" is a reserved browser function (to do the above).<br />
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If you're having problems with it, please post your url.<!--content-->Thank you Ian and AlaskanKare, it works fine.<br />
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I don't usually have any trouble with frames, but this thing was really confusing me!<br />
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Anyway, thanks again!<!--content-->