Frame and search engine

I have a framed page with two columns, the left is the navigation. There I have a web search engine.<br />
The problem is that when I enter a word and press the search button, it loads in that frame, the left.<br />
How can I make it load in a blank page?<br />
Thanks in advance<!--content--><form name="formname" action="searchURL" method="get" target="_blank"><br />
<input.....<br />
.......<br />
</form><!--content-->Well, I appreciate the help but I do not think I can understand it (I am a beginner).I have attached the page I am talking about.<br />
Please have a look<!--content-->function DisplayForm() {<br />
document.writeln('<CENTER><FORM TARGET="_blank" OnSubmit="HandleForm(this); return false">');<br />
document.writeln('Search <SELECT name="service">');<br />
for (i=1; i <= engs.len; i++) {<br />
document.writeln("<OPTION " + engs.opts + "> " +;<br />
}<br />
<br />
document.writeln('</SELECT><br> &nbsp;<br> <INPUT size=15 name="query">');<br />
document.writeln('<input type=submit value=" GO">');<br />
document.writeln('</FORM> </CENTER>');<br />
}<!--content-->Thank you very much for the help, but it still loads the results of the search in the left frame and in the blank page loads the contents of my left frame.<br />
Can you suggest something or another search script I can use?<!--content-->It seems that you don't want to load the results into a blank page as the examples you have been given would work perfectly.<br />
<br />
I think that you are perhaps using a frameset which consists of two frames, a navigation frame on the left and a, let's call it "contents", frame on the right. <br />
<br />
Given that this is the case then you must have also given each of those frames a name. All you need to do is to modify the <br />
<br />
target="_blank" <br />
to read <br />
target="contents"<br />
<br />
This will then allow you to load the results into a frame on the right.<!--content-->function HandleForm(form) {<br />
var i, oldq=form.query.value, newq="";<br />
for (i=0; i<oldq.length; i++) { // compress [ ]+ into \+<br />
var thischar = oldq.charAt(i);<br />
if (thischar != ' ')<br />
newq += thischar;<br />
else if (lastchar != ' ')<br />
newq += '+';<br />
lastchar = thischar;<br />
}<br />
var eng = engs[1+form.service.selectedIndex];<br />
form.action = newq ? eng.pre_snark + newq + eng.post_snark : eng.home;<br />
return true;<br />
}<br />
<br />
function DisplayForm() {<br />
document.writeln('<CENTER><FORM target="_blank" OnSubmit="HandleForm(this)">');<br />
document.writeln('Search <SELECT name="service">');<br />
for (i=1; i <= engs.len; i++) {<br />
document.writeln("<OPTION " + engs.opts + "> " +;<br />
}<br />
<br />
document.writeln('</SELECT><br> &nbsp;<br> <INPUT size=15 name="query">');<br />
document.writeln('<input type=submit value=" GO">');<br />
document.writeln('</FORM> </CENTER>');<br />
}<br />
<br />
DisplayForm();<!--content-->Thanks a lot.<br />
The new code you posted worked fine.<!--content-->