New Member
Hello all !
Let's help each others collecting the biggest number of forums with the function of "Latest Blog", which show the latest Blog post of your blog using RSS feeds.
For me, I know DigitalPoint and V7N offering it, any other ? Readers are reminded that self promotion outside the Marketplace is not permitted here.
Moderator Digitalpoint finally marked there's as nofollow. Leads to the site and not the actual post anyway.
Here's a start:"latest+blog"+"Jelsoft+Enterprises+Limite d"
edit: Hmmm, the link won;t stay whole. Well, you get the idea. Oh ok .. There is also I found today .. Still searching those with that function and with adsense sharing too.
Let's help each others collecting the biggest number of forums with the function of "Latest Blog", which show the latest Blog post of your blog using RSS feeds.
For me, I know DigitalPoint and V7N offering it, any other ? Readers are reminded that self promotion outside the Marketplace is not permitted here.
Moderator Digitalpoint finally marked there's as nofollow. Leads to the site and not the actual post anyway.
Here's a start:"latest+blog"+"Jelsoft+Enterprises+Limite d"
edit: Hmmm, the link won;t stay whole. Well, you get the idea. Oh ok .. There is also I found today .. Still searching those with that function and with adsense sharing too.