Forums Hidden Until So Many Posts


New Member
Hi Guys,

I just setup a forum for the missus and she wants certain parts of her forums hidden until users get so many posts, automatically.

I am unsure how to do this and would like some help please, here is the plan of action.

"Just Joined" group has members from 0 - 5 posts and they should only be able to see 1 part of it.

Now when they have posted their 5th post the forum needs to be totally viewable to them, how can we do that?

I went into promotions and set it up as I believed it should be with these settings:

Promotion: Just Joined
Posts 5
Promotion Type: Primary Usergroup
Reputation Comparison Type: Greater or Equal To
Move User to Usergroup : Skinny Lover (don't ask)​

Currently when they get to 5 posts they are still unable to view the rest of the forum even though forum permissions say they should be able to...
Webdude said:
Currently when they get to 5 posts they are still unable to view the rest of the forum even though forum permissions say they should be able to...

With that system you have to wait like 15-20 for the promotion to happen. Just look up Cyb - Advanced Permissions Based on Post Count 4.3.
Right that didn't work. It still allows people to see all of the forum as if there is no protection in place.
Webdude said:
Right that didn't work. It still allows people to see all of the forum as if there is no protection in place.

Did you view your forum from a members point of view?
ie: not logged in as an admin but as general member....

as I think as admins you can see everythig no matter what permissions are set ;)
Yes, it appears that the only way I can do it currently is add them members manually to the Just Joined Group then use forum permissions to deny the group from viewing the other areas, then when they get to 5 posts I have to manually change their group :(
Come on guys I really need to get this working as logging each day to manually move someone from one group to another is getting tedious and if I don't have to do it then I can spend time on other parts of the forum and my own life.

So far I am having the group people are in when they join restricted from different parts of the site and when they are reaching 5 posts im having to move them into the next group etc.