Forum Not Writeable?


I've tried to do several things in my forum (including upgrading to a new version), and it tells me it can't because the permissions are not set to writeable. I then tried to simply add in a couple smilies and I get this message:<br /><br />"The following smiley directories are not writable: default, classic"<br /><br />I logged into my SmartFTP and made sure everything was set, and it was... Anyone have experience with this? I'm using SMF, btw.<!--content-->
In sounds as if the permissions are not set to writable for world - please open a ticket and get us to check.<!--content-->
For the "forum" folder, everything is set (group, world and all). Should I do this for the "public_html" as well?<br /><br /><br />Edit: I went ahead and submitted a ticket just in case I missed something.<!--content-->
OK, so that issue has been fixed but now when I try to upload a new smilie I get this error:<br /><br />2: move_uploaded_file() [<a href='function.move-uploaded-file'>function.move-uploaded-file</a>]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/*removed*/public_html/forums/Smileys/default/Shrug4.gif) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/*removed*/:/usr/local/sqmail/:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp)<br />File: /home2/*removed*/public_html/forums/Sources/ManageSmileys.php<br />Line: 345 <br /><br />Anyone encounter this?<!--content-->
Please open a ticket with the help desk and have the techs take a look.<!--content-->
One other thing, I'm trying to upgrade to the latest version but the last time I did this using Fantastico I got a fatal error and had to open a ticket to have them restore the backup. Just curious if I should try this again as I'm getting too far behind with the updates (I'm at 1.0.8 and the current one is 1.1.12, yet according to Fantastico, it's at 1.0.5).<!--content-->
I'm sorry, what are you upgrading?<!--content-->
I assume he is referring to SMF since that is what he is using on his site.<br /><br />1.0.8 is the last v1 release I believe with 1.1.2 being the current 1.1 release.<br /><br />My advice is to manually update.<!--content-->
Oh, my SMF forum.<!--content-->
Can't you just upgrade from inside of SMF instead of using Fantastico to upgrade? I thought that was a feature of SMF.<!--content-->
I can't seem to find it, no.<!--content-->
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->My advice is to manually update.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br /><br />See, I don't know how to manually upgrade. I've checked out SMF's forum but I'm just getting more and more confused...<!--content-->
Oh, and I downloaded the zip file with the updated version, I just don't know how to do a proper backup of my current forum and then how to actually install this one...<!--content-->
Auto update, if available, should be in Admin -> Packages.<br /><br />Back up files just by downloading them to your computer using FTP.<br /><br />Update by downloading update files (you might require full package going from 105 to 108) and simply replacing your existing files with the new ones.<!--content-->
To download a database backup:<br />Log in to cpanel<br />Click "Backups"<br />Scroll down to "Download a MySQL Database Backup" and click the forum database link. This will save a copy on your local computer.<br /><br />To download the forum files I would use the"home backup" option in the backup section. It will download more than you need, but on the other hand you will have a backup of all your files in your account.<br /><br />To upgrade SMF manually, please check their <a href=";sort=subject" target="_blank">upgrade tutorial here</a>.<!--content-->
Thanks Thomas and carbonize. I'll give it a try in a little bit (did both backups as suggested).<!--content-->
Well, I upgraded and it went pretty much OK, but now on the forum the "Last Post" image is missing from one of my themes. Now, this theme wasn't overwritten during the upgrade so I don't know what happened.<br /><br />Here's the page to see what I'm talking about:<br /><a href=",2.0.html" target="_blank">,2.0.html</a><!--content-->
Does the "last post" image show up if you are using any other theme?<br />If yes, what happens if you reupload that image through either ftp or cpanel to the folder SMF is supposed to find it in?<br /><br />Apart from that, is the theme you are using compatible with the new version, ie the new version might be looking for something it can纾