Forum My Question


I got my site and my forum up an running real smooth, but on my forum I have a large phpBB logo on the top left of the main page. Is there any way I can change that logo to my websites logo? If so, can I then make that website logo be a link to my sites main page?<br /><br />Also where do I get new skins? I am looking for a light blue/dark blue motif.<!--content-->
Please see <!--coloro:#000099--><span style="color:#000099"><!--/coloro--><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--> for instructions on how to get the most out of your forum.<br /><br />Also, moving for organization.<!--content-->
For information on changing the logo see this help page:<br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><!--content-->
Hmm well I fallowed all the instructions and I made a .gif image thats the same dimensions of the phpbb logo, I put it into the subsilver/images folder but after uploading, the logo is still there. I went back into the folder and now there are 2 logos a phpbb and a phpBB logo, both open as the picture I made in photoshop... Whats the problem?<br /><br />Also I couldn't find any additional skins, or looks in either of the link provided. Did I just look wrong? All I found was "modifications" but that didn't seem to be what I am lokoing for.<!--content-->
Did you replace the<br />logo_phpBB.gif<br />with a logo using the same name?<!--content-->
1) The logo, if replacing it which is what I think you want to do in this case (otherwise you need to modify the code to I think), you have to make sure that the logo have <b>exact</b> same name as the old one.<br /><br />2) For skins look here: <!--coloro:#000099--><span style="color:#000099"><!--/coloro--><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->. I am sorry but I didnt look to closely on the first one. This new link have skins/themes. Not many but there are. If they are not what you look for, try google for "phpbb skins".<!--content-->
I did enter the exact name, and now if I go to my forum and say open image in new window it appears to be ing subsilver/images/logo_phpbb.gif but if I open the image on my remote, or local folder they both open in photoshop as the image I made. So I don't even know where the classed logo is! It isn't in my folders.<!--content-->
I would suggest you use your ftp program and navagate to your <br />forums/templates/subSilver/images/<br />and delete the logo_phpBB.gif<br />view your forum and refresh so there is no logo<br />then upload your logo_phpBB.gif to the same place and again refresh.<!--content-->
Wow talk about frustrating! I deleted all things named Logo_phpBB, I had 2 of them in my remote folder logo_phpbb and logo_phpBB I didn't know you could have file names that close together... I deleted both, and after about 20 min of reloading the image finally went away. I then put in my own file, and it will not accept it. I have been reloading for about ten minutes.<br /><br />Also I downloaded a new skin, how do I make use of it?<!--content-->
I dont use phpbb myself, so I cant be of much use in this except for the basics. Sorry for that.<br /><br />As for skins/themes, have a look here: <!--coloro:#000099--><span style="color:#000099"><!--/coloro--><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><br />(I know Raul is something of a phpbb-expert, lets hope he checks in <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> )<br /><br />As for the logo. It seems to be a weird problem you have gotten, but make remember that its case-sensitive. phpBB is not the same as phpbb in this case.<!--content-->
Ok I finally got the logo working, apparently I needed to name it phpBB with capital BB. Now the style is giving me trouble. The site you linked me too gave these directions:<br /><br />When installing a new template(e.g. one that you downloaded), be sure that your new template directory is nested correctly in the templates directory.?It also must have the correct name (case sensitive).?For instance, if you had a new template named subCheese, then in the templates directory you should have a folder called "subCheese" (not "subcheese"), and in that folder will be all of your template files (*.tpl files).<br /><br />BlueIce is the template i am trying to use and I checked and double checked for all of the above to be true. Yet when I go to Add Styles in the Admin Panel I have no options. It doesn't detect it or something. RAUL!!! Help!<br /><br />Oh yeah I almost forgot. Is there a way to make the new php_logo I made link back to my host site? Instead of linking to the same forum that it is on?<!--content-->
1) Theme problem... This one beats me. Sorry for that. I tried to install same theme as you now, and run in to same problem.<br /><br />2) Link back... see <a href="" target="_blank">this post</a>.<!--content-->
Ah, thank you for that link, although I am going to hold off on changing that until I get my new skin... Should I PM Raul or something?<!--content-->
Nah, he will see this and if he knows the answer he will tell. <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->
Well, if you did everything correctly as you say you did, then the style should appear.<br />There's not much I can add to the discussion since I never used that skin and you didn't provide the URL to your forum.<br /><br />Make sure you uploaded the files with the correct name. Like Thomas said, file names are case-sensitive (as you have see with the logo, this can be the cause of big problems, if you don't know what you're doing).<br />Also make sure that you uploaded ALL the files.<br />Check the permissions on the template folder and make sure that everyone has read access to it. They should be OK but just in case...<br /><br />That's about all I can say. I'm also sending you a PM.<!--content-->
I just tried uploading BlueIce to a phpBB forum I have on a site and it appears on the list of styles to install. <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":mellow:" border="0" alt="mellow.gif" /><!--content-->
I tried to activate BlueIce and there was some error, and now my forum is gone... I just loads to forum/index but it's blank, no source code. I panicked and deleted BlueIce and hoped it would defoult to subsilver but it didn't, and I don't know how to access my forum without actually accessing the forum.... Is there a way to go to my admin access without actually clicking on it? I guess it a rather long and complicated link?<!--content-->
Do you have a link <b>to your forum</b> for us so we can have a look and go from there?<!--content-->
Haha yeah sorry.<br /><br /><br /><br />Tell me what else you need.<!--content-->
Man, I fixed it all for you last night, why did you have to go and break it again? <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":whip:" border="0" alt="whip.gif" /><br />Just kidding <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" /><br /><br />I really don't know what's wrong but it's a bit strange.<br />I tried going into the forum database and finding the configuration directive that sets the chosen style, so I could change it back to subSilver, but I can't seem to find it <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":unsure:" border="0" alt="unsure.gif" /><br /><br />Does anybody know where it is?<!--content-->
Hummm... I tried going to the forums admin panel and after I logged in, I was redirected to <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><br />What the $#%& have you done here? <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":blink:" border="0" alt="blink.gif" /> <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":blink:" border="0" alt="blink.gif" /><br />I'm not sure where you could change the config option that sets phpBB path. I can't find it in the database or config.php <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":huh:" border="0" alt="huh.gif" /> Does anybody know where it is?<br /><br />Yesterday I did notive you had a directory called "forum" and now I can see that's the source of the problem: you messed up the two instalations.<br /><br />I'd say the safest way to solve it is to delete both "forum" and "forums" directories and start again...<!--content-->
I see you have re-installed your forums and deleted the other directory. Did you manage to install the other style?<!--content-->