How can you post information to another page.<BR><BR>I have set the <form action="newpage.aspx" ....><BR>but when i do a request.form on the newpage.asp on page load command it doesn't show anything.<BR><BR>Can anyone explain how to do this.<BR><BR>Thanks<BR><BR>RizMy best guess would be that you don't have method=post in your form tag. If thats not it, one reason might be that your control isn't actually named what you think it is on the page anymore. will sometimes rename the control if it is within another control (such as a datagrid, to DataGridWhatever_Ctrl1_Yourname). I would look at the source to make sure. <BR><BR>Other than that, I would need to see the whole form tag, and the tag of the control you are trying to get data from.