Forms within HTML email - HELP!

I have an html email generated by asp,<br />
The email is generated and sends fine with a form in it<br />
you can enter data fine, but the submit button doesn't submit<!--content-->Well that is a problem... but without some code there is very little we can do to help you. Post some of the relavent ASP and we might be able to sort it out.<!--content-->dim omail<br />
set omail = server.CreateObject("cdonts.newMail")<br />
with omail<br />
.BodyFormat = CdoBodyFormatHTML<br />
.MailFormat = CdoMailFormatMime<br />
.to = "[email protected]"<br />
.from = "[email protected]"<br />
.subject = "the subject"<br />
.body = emailbody<br />
.send<br />
end with<br />
<br />
<br />
The above code is what generates the email, the variable "emailbody" contains a normal html page<br />
in the page is a form:<br />
<br />
"<form name=form1 action=http://www.etc>" &_<br />
"<input type=text name=fname> value="&email&">" &_<br />
"<input type=image src=http://www.etcetc>" &_<br />
"</form>" &_<br />
<br />
It all displays fine, i have also tried using a normal submit button instead of an image button, but it still doesn't submit.<br />
<br />
thanks for your reply<!--content-->it is submitting the data and the asp processing page is working, but it doesn't show the user that it has done anything...weird<!--content-->did you expect it to? an email app like outlook is just that, email. you want a person to fil out a form then send them to a webpage. also remember not everybody has an email program that excpet html emails or they have it turned off.<!--content-->already accounted for that, only ppl who have selected to receive html emails will get them<!--content-->