forms problem!!! please help.


When I have a drop down list on my page, there is always a space below that I can't get rid of.<br />
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Is there a way to format mt forms??<br />
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Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.<!--content-->You will need to post the URL of the page or post the HTML code you are working with. No way to say for sure unless the code can be viewed.<br />
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One thing about forms and form elements. Many of them will drop to a new line when the closing tag is encountered like: </form>. You can try and embed the closing tag into a portion of the HTML code that will not allow for a new line, like: </td></form</tr></table>. <br />
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If that doen't give you any ideas post the URL or the code.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->try:<br />
<br />
<form name="blah" action="??" method="post" style="display:inline"><br />
<br />
<br />
probably still screws up in Netscrap, but everything about Netscrap is screwed up anyway.<!--content-->Thanks worked brilliantly!!!!<!--content-->:) Glad I could help. :)<!--content-->