forms on active desktop


I need some help with forms. Hope someone can help me.<br />
I am trying to create an active desktop, by making an html file with the links i want and then using it as a desktop.<br />
<br />
I want to include the ability to access my hotmail by clicking a link on the desktop. I want to create a form on the page, where i can enter my email and password, click submit and a new explorer page will open with my email.<br />
<br />
I managed to do something like that for both google and imdb, but have not managed to do it with hotmail.<br />
<br />
(the form i used for imdb was this:<br />
<FORM action="" method="post" NAME="QSFORM"><br />
<TR bgcolor="#FFFFFF" align="left"><br />
<TD valign="top" width="100%"> <br />
<b>imdb</b>: <INPUT type="text" name="for" size=<br />
"14">&nbsp;<INPUT type="image" height="15"<br />
width="64" border="0" value="Go" name="Go"<br />
src="icons\submit.png" align=<br />
"absmiddle"><BR clear="left"><br />
)<br />
<br />
Also, if possible, is it possible to access hotmail through just one link, like one does on ftp (example: user/[email protected]). Can i use a link of that type for hotmail which will automatically log me in?<!--content-->ok thanks a lot... i guess thats why i couldnt figure it out...<br />
will try your idea... it might work<!--content-->