forms not working :(


Form #1: everything appears to be working, but when something is submitted only two of the four variables are sent on. <br />
<br />
Form #2: I have five radio type questions; only one of them is working. The other four can't be changed from their default checked vaulues. This form probably has the same problem as #1, :rolleyes: but I haven't tried submiting anything.<br />
<br />
These are on the same page, if that make any difference at all.<br />
<br />
<br />
Form #1: it's the 'character' and 'series' text boxes that have the problem. <br />
<br />
<FORM action="addskin.php" method="get"><br />
<P><br />
<LABEL for="site">Website: </LABEL><br />
<select name="site"><br />
<br />
<?<br />
//get the options for the drop-down menu - all the websites in the database<br />
$query = "SELECT id, name FROM sims_sites WHERE skins='YES' ORDER BY name";<br />
$query_menu = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. " .mysql_error());<br />
<br />
//list all the sites in the drop-down menu<br />
while ($this_site = mysql_fetch_array($query_menu)) {<br />
?><option><? echo $this_site["name"] ?></option><? <br />
<br />
}<br />
<br />
?></select><BR><br />
<br />
<LABEL for="character">Character: </LABEL><br />
<INPUT type="text" id="character"> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
<LABEL for="series">Series: </LABEL><br />
<INPUT type="text" id="series"><BR> <br />
<LABEL for="visibility">Visibility: </LABEL><br><br />
<DD><INPUT type="radio" name="visibility" checked value="1"> Normal<BR><br />
<DD><INPUT type="radio" name="visibility" value="2"><br />
Hidden - Skin won't show up on list<BR><br />
<DD><INPUT type="radio" name="visibility" value="3"> <br />
Special - Skin will link to page that has comments on that <br />
website<BR><br />
<br />
<br />
<BR><BR> <center><INPUT type="submit" value="Send"> <INPUT type="reset"></center><br />
</P><br />
</FORM><br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Form #2: not working: 'skins' 'objects' 'walls' 'floors'<br />
<br />
<FORM action="addsite.php" method="post"><br />
<BR><br />
<LABEL for="sitename">Site Name: </LABEL><br />
<INPUT type="text" id="sitename"><BR><br />
<LABEL for="url">URL: </LABEL><br />
<INPUT type="text" id="url"><BR><br />
Site Content: <br />
<table width="100%"><tr><td valign=top><br />
<LABEL for="skins">Skins: </LABEL><BR><br />
<INPUT type="radio" id="skins" value="YES"> Yes<BR><br />
<INPUT type="radio" id="skins" checked value="NO"> No<br />
</td><br />
<td valign=top><br />
<LABEL for="objects">Objects: </LABEL><BR><br />
<INPUT type="radio" id="objects" value="YES"> Yes<BR><br />
<INPUT type="radio" id="objects" checked value="NO"> No<BR><br />
<INPUT type="radio" id="objects" value="PAINTINGSONLY"> Paintings Only<br />
</td><br />
<td valign=top><br />
<LABEL for="walls">Walls: </LABEL><BR><br />
<INPUT type="radio" id="walls" value="YES"> Yes<BR><br />
<INPUT type="radio" id="walls" checked value="NO"> No<br />
</td><br />
<td valign=top><br />
<LABEL for="floors">Floors: </LABEL><BR><br />
<INPUT type="radio" id="floors" value="YES"> Yes<BR><br />
<INPUT type="radio" id="floors" checked value="NO"> No<br />
</td></tr></table><br />
<br />
<LABEL for="sitevisibility">Visibility: (note: <br />
determines if site will show up on Master Skins List, <br />
<BR>etc, not if individual skins from this site will show <br />
up)</LABEL><br><br />
<DD><INPUT type="radio" name="sitevisibility" checked <br />
value="1"> Normal<BR><br />
<DD><INPUT type="radio" name="sitevisibility" <br />
value="2"> Hidden - Site won't show up on lists<BR><br />
<DD><INPUT type="radio" name="sitevisibility" <br />
value="3"> Special - Site will link to page that has <br />
comments on that website<BR><br />
<br />
<br />
<BR><BR> <center><INPUT type="submit" value="Send"> <INPUT type="reset"></center><br />
</P><br />
</FORM><!--content-->Your problem should be solved by changing every id to name. They are not the same thing.<!--content-->Thank you! :heartbeat<!--content-->You're welcome :)<!--content-->