Forms hard one


He everyone,

I'm making a form thats splitt over about 3 pages

One for personal info
One for Hosting/email info
One for creditcard stuff

That ain't the problem the only problem is:

How can I brake the form that it looks from the users view that it are three pages, but when it is send it comes in one part...

I hope you'll get this..

PS for sending I use a cgi script


Blogedexcuse me, but i really know close to nothing about cgi, but maybe you would get the right answer earlier if post it to another thread:

which is called: Server Side Programming

it's about: ASP, CGI/Perl, PHP, Cold Fusion, Java, Python, TCL and the rest of the backend server driven family

Good luck by using this one!

ChristianHi Bloged,

Please post what type of scripting you are using with your form, PERL/CGI, PHP, ASP, or other.

You could use JAVA scripting also to store and carry the data entered into the form from page one to page two to page three.

If you were using perl you can pass the data in hidden fields from page to page, something like this:

on page one:
<input type=text name=realname>

when that data is submitted, you could store it in a hidden field on page two:

<input type=hidden name=realname value=$FORM{'realname'}>
<input type=text name=address>

then on to page three the same way:

<input type=hidden name=realname value=$FORM{'realname'}>
<input type=hidden name=address value=$FORM{'address'}>
<input type=text name=city>

then submit them all data at the same time on page three.

You could also use a "hash" or other ways to store all the data, like writing to temporary files on the server, but passing the data in hidden fields is pretty easy to do and easy to understand.

KevinHe Kevin,

I just used plain HTML for it, but I didn't know wich language to choose and how to do it so I posted a thread...

I thougth that it was a smarter otherwise I made a page wich didn't work and I had to throw it away when the scripting couldn't be implented...



Sorry for my poor EnglishHi bloged,

Which server script you use will depend on your server. PERL is still the most widely offered server side script. PHP might be the next followed by ASP.

I know some PERL myself, so I do things using PERL whenever possible.

There are many online sources for free scripts/forms, you might be able to find one that can be adapted to your purpose.

KevinNext question

How can I make TWO buttons in a form, and both buttons point to antoher page...

Button1 to page2
Button2 to page3


BlogedThe HTML is pretty simple, example:

<input type=submit name=submit value="Continue to page 2">
<input type=submit name=submit2 value="Continue to page 3">

when your script recieves the data from the form, it needs to be programmed on what to do depending on the input, somthing like:

if ($FORM{'submit'}) {&do_page2;}
if ($FORM{'submit2'}) {&do_page3;}

if you don't understand what I'm telling you, you may not have enough experince yet to make your forms and scripts.

kevinI think I'll understand what you mean.

Only I don't have that much time to learn everything, so I only learned plain HTML and the rest will come when I need it...


BlogedIf you want custom form/scripts, you have to learn some server side programming, there is no way around it. HTML code really only displays the form, it can not process the data or do anything with it.

PERL is the easiest to learn in my opinion. Maybe not the most popular anymore, but for processing some simple forms, PERL is perfect.

kevinI'll see if I can find some good tutorials and books...

