Forms and Form Processing


Hey everyone. I have started a web-design buisness. I was coding all the sites and came to the sign-up page. I coded it and then discovered that for Form Processing I would need a CGI Script. Stubborn, I didn't go and look and instead, used the tags (I will use [ insted of <) [form method="post" action="mailto:[email protected]"] Then I ended the tag after several different types of forms. Then I put in random letters and e-mailed it. I got nothing, so I went to search for the CGI script that would get me what I needed. I found one and used the tags [form method="post" action="cgi-bin/"], however, all I got when "Submit" was used was the script itself up on the screen, and no e-mail or anything. Then, when I checked my mail recently, I found several e-mails from when I tried the other day with only HTML. I opened one and it contained an attachment - FORMDATA.ATT. I Download <!--more-->ed it and opened it in WordPad. Sure enough, there were my form entries, in the fomrat of name=gbfdb&gender=male&...... so on and so on. WEll I was excited. BUT! (haha always wanting more) I want to know if there is any real way to format the text so it is a lot easier to read? Please reply. Also, When I sent the form, it asked stuff like "This will automatically send an e-mail" and then a box that said "A program is trying to send an e-mail for you. If this is unexpected, it might be a virus." This was on Windows XP Professional using Outlook Express. I was wondering how to bypass this. Please help me if you can!<br />
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Contacts<br />
<!-- e --><a href="mailto:D[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --><br />
XDakanaX (aol instant messanger)<br />
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THANKS!<!--content-->then you'll want to try coding your FORM tag with the following encryption type (though I don't think this is according to standards)<br />
<br />
encoding type actually, and this does follow the standards<br />
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make sure you are using METHOD="PUT" instead of METHOD="GET"<br />
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method="post" is what you want<br />
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<form action="[email protected]" method="post" enctype="text/plain"><!--content-->