forms and database processing


Hi,<br />
I have a form capturing simple enough info. <br />
I now want to process the info. to excel or access.<br />
Am I correct in thinking that I need to use ASP or CGI to do so? Any other HTML coding methods?<br />
<br />
Cheers<br />
Cormac:p<!--content-->Yes, you will need some sort of Server Side language to do that. PHP would be what I would use to write to a database, but that is just me... :)<!--content-->Hi,<br />
thanks for that<br />
any info on where to get more on PHP to do this?<br />
cheers<br />
Cormac:p<!--content-->I really have no idea how excell or access databases work. MySQL databases are far more common. Do you know any PHP? If so, head over to <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> and ask them. They should be able to get you going. If not, it might get confusing, and you may want to pick up a good book on some server side language. (PHP, Perl, etc...) What info do you need to write to the database?<!--content-->Hi,<br />
it's simple enough stuff for college project, email addresses, names dobs.<br />
Thanks for your help, currently checking out the PHP forum<br />
cheers<br />
Cormac:)<!--content-->Hey Cormac,<br />
I'm trying to do exactly the same thing. I was wondering if you had found out how to do it, if so any help would be brilliant.<br />
<br />
Cheers,<br />
<br />
Danny C :p<!--content-->hi,<br />
no such luck, left it at the time, as it wasn't high priority<br />
cheers<br />