Formmail Script


My FormMail.cgi is not working, it was working before, I have not changed anything to alter it.<br /><br />Need some help, also how do you retrieve information that was sent using the formmail.cgi<br /><br />Mich闁峫<!--content-->
i believe that formmail.cgi is a banned script due to massive security flaws and known for being abused for spam. I would personally suggest checking into <a href="" target="_blank">dodos mail</a> which is a very easy to use and steup form mailer - spam harvester free. A lot of our family also use <a href="" target="_blank">ultimate form mail</a> which was developed by a family member.<br /><br />Neither of the above 2 scripts have the awful problems of formmail.cgi. = )<!--content-->
Lisa <br /><br />I tried one and I am having problems, is there any other easier one.<br /><br />FormMail might have problems but at least it was easier to set up, I have having problems with these two. I am no good at configurations.<!--content-->
Dodos I found to be the easiest one to setup. If you post what problems you have people can help you get it setup. <br /><br />Also, here is the <a href="" target="_blank">original thread</a> for ultimate form mail - and I believe surefire has some forums and offers support for it if noone here can help. But we should be able to.<br /><br />Even if formmail.cgi was enabled you wouldn't want to use it - if someone spammed through your account you'd be held liable for the problems caused. Really, security is important to think about. =) Even over ease of setup - although both of the above two should be not too hard.<br /><br />Moved to scripts forum for organization....<!--content-->
Lisa<br /><br />Looked at the forum on it, I am way out of my depth on this one simply having the know how for it. I will keep looking for something simplier but secure.<br /><br />Thanks<!--content-->
michael, I'd like to once again suggest Dodos - I personally found it easier than the UFS. If you're havng problems people (including me, of course) would be happy to help you resolve them. =)<!--content-->
Lisa,<br /><br />I'd love to know what I could do to make the script I authored (Ultimate Form Mail) easier to use. Any suggestions would be well received.<br /><br />I think that a big part of the issue is that at the request of clients, I've loaded the code with lots of bells and whistles, and the number of options in the config file can be intimidating.<!--content-->
<!--QuoteBegin-mich闁峫+Jul 14 2004, 04:44 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mich闁峫 @ Jul 14 2004, 04:44 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Lisa<br /><br />Looked at the forum on it, I am way out of my depth on this one simply having the know how for it.  I will keep looking for something simplier but secure.<br /><br />Thanks<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br />Michael,<br /><br />I just converted my forms from FormMail to Dodos.. it's really easy. If you can use FormMail you can use dodos. Let me know if you need help.<!--content-->
pabagency,<br /><br />I tried but it does not work properly or even send the information to the email.<br /><br />The forms I am working on are<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><br /> in which I am trying to use Dodos and<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a> <br /><br />which I still have FormMail on but does not work.<br /><br /><br />help anyone thank you.<br /><br />Mich闁峫<!--content-->
anyone out there able to help me<!--content-->