formatting an ADO XML stream with XSL


New Member
Hello all, I wasn't sure whether to post this here or ASP, but here goes.I have created a HTML page that allows the user enter a SQL statement whichis then issued to SQL server via ASP using ADO. I then save the resultingrecordset to the response object in XML like this:'at this point the recordset has been populatedoADORecordset.Save Response, 1 'adPersistXMLand it displays in the nasty ado xml standard in the client's browser. Iwant to transform the XML using an XSL file, but when I use it, the browserwindow is blank. How should the stylesheet be applied so that it formatsthe output correctly before displaying it to the client browser? I want toavoid disk i/o if at all possible. Any ideas? Thanks.Kim TurokDatabase