Hi,<BR><BR>I used DataGrid to output my database entries. However, i wanted to format one of my date/time field with dd-MM-yyyy format. Can anyone in this board advise me on how do i achieve it? <BR><BR>RgdsThis question has been asked a couple times on this board and i think might even be in the aspfaqs now, but anyway, within your boundColumn add:<BR><BR>DataFormatString = "<InsertDateFormatPattern>"<BR><BR>A list of the available date formats can be found here:<BR><BR>http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpref/html/frlrfsystemglobalizationdatetimeformatinfoclasstop ic.asp<BR><BR>Cheers,<BR><BR>])ry<BR><BR><BR>When defining your bound column format for the datagrid, you can add the DataFormatString property as follows:<BR><BR><ASP:BoundColumn HeaderText = "Date" DataField = "rDate"<BR> DataFormatString = "{0:d}" SortExpression = "rDate" /><BR><BR>The d parameter shown above gives a mm/dd/yyyy format while a<BR>D parameter would give a long-date format mm/dd/yy hh.mm.ss. <BR><BR>You should be able to look up DataFormatString in the SDK documentation to find the other valid parameters.<BR><BR>Tom T<BR> <BR> <BR><BR>