Form won't submit in IE

Situation:<br />
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Clicking the submit button of a form doesn't submit the form in IE from time to time. This has been reported by a few clients and witnessed firsthand by myself several times. Typically this happens under one or more of the following general circumstances:<br />
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- when the form is large (in the most recent case, it's a form generated by ASP with numbered field names, such as "Caption1", "Caption2", etc.)<br />
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- when there is a textarea and someone copies and pastes text from a different application<br />
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- when there is a lot of text typed into a textarea<br />
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It's hard to explain other than the form will not submit. You click the button, but nothing happens. Using Netscape, the exact same form submits without any problem at all. I hate to tell our customers that have experienced this to Download <!--more--> Netscape, as many of them aren't very computer savvy, and I'm not a huge Netscape fan (although I think they are getting pretty good again, especially with their latest release).<br />
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Has anyone else come across behavior such as this?<!--content-->I've seen something to that extent, with Perl. The mailform somethimes would send, but would't redirect to a thankyou page. Also with IE.<!--content-->