form with validations


Staff member
I need to create a form that will gather the necessary information to open a new

browser window with a user specified URL, dimensions and features. my form should

include the following elements.

A text box to allow the user to enter a URL.
Text boxes to retrieve the top, left, width and height of the new window.
A multi-select list box, that includes at least four possible window features,

such as address bar, resizeable, scrollbars, etc.
A submit button

When the user submits the form,I want to validate the data to ensure that the URL

is not blank. The top and left dimensions must be between 0 and 100. The width

and height must be between 100 and 600. If all the data is correct,it will open a

new window with the specified URL, dimensions, and any selected feature(s).

I am not quite sure how to do this.