Form Validation


New Member
I have a form validation script that works fine for most of my form, but I have a need for special validation for a drop down field, the e-mail field, and password field. I found a validation script that does the drop-down, another one that does the e-mail, and still another one that does the password. Can I combine them all, or if not, can I have more than one script validating the same form?

Most of the fields I just need to check for null, but the e-mail needs verification that it抯 an e-mail address (check for @ and .), and a password field that needs to be entered twice and verified that they are the same both times.

Is it stupid to try to combine scripts I抳e found, or should I keep looking for one that fits my needs? I抦 not a very good JavaScript programmer, but I can tweak scripts to fit what I want ?that is until now!

Please help,
