form validation problem


I have a form that works fine except for one thing. I have a choice users must make, and sub-information is required under each choice. My form validation is a simple hidden INPUT line in the form. Problem is that when you choose one option and fill out that info (name, etc.), the validator wants the info in the other option as well. Without causing both sets of info to have the same name (which would be confusing in the email response), how can I cause only one set of values to be required? Do I need a script? The page is at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ignup.html</a><!-- m -->. />
Thanks!!!<br />
:confused:<!--content-->Error with URL (Error 404)<!--content--><br />
800messageline/signup.html<br />
<br />
Be sure that's all one one line.<br />