form used for updating web pages


hello all,

i am looking for assistance setting up a way for an end user to update an web page from a form that has been created for them to use.

i'm trying to help streamline my efforts in updating a site i maintain - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. on a weekely basis I am sent updates to that i perform by manually updating the html code.

i would like to setup a php based system where a user there at the office can log into a page, fill out a "title" and "announcement" field, submit it, and have it update the .html page.

are there any systems/scripts/templates out there that i can customize to perform this task, or is it something that i could create?

any suggestions/advice that you could pass along will help greatly!

thx!this is something you could easily create yourself, but then again, if your unaware that you can create it, your probably not ready to write such a script.

if you want to learn php a good place to start is probably here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->), this is a free online book that one of the guys from this board wrote. from there you could easily progress your way through the manual (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->).

if your just looking for scripts to do what you want, you might try hotscripts (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->), but the chances of finding something thast doesn't need atleast some customising are slim.thorpe,

thanks for you're reply.

i'm definitely not a programmer, but i have been downloading and modifying free scripts for quite some time now.

i did find a system on hotscripts called basic cms that looks like it's gonna do what i need with out much customization on my part. hopefully that solution will work out.

thank you very much for your reply and for the link to the practical php programming online book.
