Form Upload Question


I have a feedback form on a client web site. The client build custom drag racing cars. i would like to add on the form a field for prospective clients to upload pictures of their car. how do I do this?<!--content-->In the form you use this type of an input tag:<br />
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<form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" action=""><br />
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But that will not check to make sure the file is a valid image file or limit the size of the file nor will it know what type of OS the file is coming from (Windows, MAC, other).<br />
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This website <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
has a free script you should be able to modify for your own use.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Thanks Kevin,<br />
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I'll check it out in the morning. Now I need to get some ZZZZZ's.<!--content-->Oh yeah, how do you get the Browse button/function?<!--content-->Here you go Kman,<br />
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<input type="file"><!--content-->Thanks Dr.Web,<br />
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I left out that one small detail :)<br />
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