<form> tag spacing


Staff member
Hi - I have a quick question. I space is sometimes generated when you put in the <form> tag causing a <br>. You can usually solve this spacing problem by placing the form tags far apart instead of right by each other. I have a page that has a background color and the form tags are causing a space (which is white). I have the beggining form tag right after the body tag and the end form tag right before the ending body tag. Does anyone know how to get rid of this space that the form tag is creating?<br />
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Thank You<br />
<br />
Kelley Bryant<!--content-->Hi Kelley,<br />
<br />
try this:<br />
<br />
<form style="display: inline"><!--content-->Actually you've touched on what I wanted to ask about. I have a text box with a form button, and it keeps putting the break in, as you remarked in your post. Don't I need the form tags next to the button info? Where would I put the form tags, if not around the button information?<br />
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thanks,<br />
Marilyn<!--content-->Thanks Dr. Web. I fixed the problem. It looks like the Form tags were in an include and needed to be put inside the table within the include.<!--content-->Hi mkrieger<br />
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As long as your form tag comes before your button and the closing form tag comes after your button, you can place them anywhere you want. The space is usually caused by not having the form tags in your table.<!--content-->You can also you the CSS that Dr. Web mentioned above. <form style="display: inline">.<!--content-->Thank you!<!--content-->What do you do when you have a series of buttons that you want on the same line, in the same row? Where do you put the form tags in that situation?<br />
Marilyn<!--content-->you can use table code:<br />
<br />
for multiple forms:<br />
<br />
<table><tr><td><br />
<form><input type=submit></td></form><td><br />
<form><input type=submit></td></form><td><br />
<form><input type=submit></td></form><td><br />
<form><input type=submit></td></form><td><br />
<form><input type=submit></td></form></tr></table><br />
<br />
for a single form:<br />
<br />
<table><tr><td><br />
<form><input type=submit></td><br />
<td><input type=submit></td><br />
<td><input type=submit></td><br />
<td><input type=submit></td><br />
<td><input type=submit></td><br />
</form></tr></table><br />
<br />
<br />
Kevin<!--content-->thank you, I'll try this tomorrow.<br />