<form stuff!


Ok, if you look at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> you will see that thebit with the template in is kinda messed up. The FORM tag seems to make the cell a minimum number of pixles! Is there a way to shrink this so that their is no space below the image (the backing covers the gap up after it loads, but before the cell background loads you can see what I mean). Is there like a trick as to how to get around this?<br />
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Thanks<br />
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Andy<!--content-->I don't think the form tag has anything to do with the pixel size. <br />
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try setting the height in the <td> so that is is only as big as the img you use.<!--content-->Nope, tried that ;) When I was talking to Doni (from freewebtemplates.com) a while ago, he said it was related to this! So, does anyone know of any fixes for it?<br />
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Thanks<br />
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Andy<!--content-->maybe because it loads so fast I don't see the problem. :) but if it fixes the problem after it loads why worry about it.<!--content-->I don't see a problem there, but you can use <form style="display: inline"><br />
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also..... how about making your photoshop (and other) gifs transparent?<!--content-->Yeah, so what will that code you provided do? As for using the transparent gifs, that wouldn't work, as the actual buttons have different color variations at the side (like fading stuff).<br />
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