Form: Select: Objects Help


<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> is the name of my homepage right now, i just use it for whatever. Its still being worked on, continuously. Since its my blog, I've got a "Jump To..." selection box. Heres the code:<br />
<br />
<br />
<form name="menuBuilder"><br />
<select name="Llist_2" onChange="load2(this.form)" class="jumpto"><br />
<option value="" selected>Jump To...</option><br />
<option value="">Current Week</option> <option value="">-------------------------</option><br />
<option value="_october03blogs/Oct-19-25.htm">October 19-25, 2003</option> </select> </form><br />
<br />
I'm gonna have to update this every week for two reasons:<br />
<br />
1. I haven't figured out a better way<br />
2. I'm too cheap to buy my own webspace and start a Coldfusion server.<br />
<br />
Is there a way to make the form an external document? This way I would only have to edit that one file, and then it automatically changes in every page. I've tried using the "document.write" thingimabobber with javascript, using something like:<br />
<br />
<script language="javascript" src="javascriptfile.js"><br />
</scrpit><br />
<br />
and the external file had<br />
<br />
"document.write ("form tags from above inserted here")"<br />
<br />
but i dont think its possible to do that... any help?<br />
<br />
PS: sorry about the 21 subjects i put in here, i just thought id cover everything id tried... oooh a whole 2 things!<!--content-->Sounds like a job for PHP or Perl. But you have to have some sort of database, could just be the directory/files where the blog entries are stored or a real database of some sort, like MySQL, to make it work in an "automatic" fashion.<!--content-->no serverside technologys :(. Eh, i found a way around it. I made a javascript and it goes somethin like<br />
<br />
document.write('<form><select><objects></select></form>');<br />
<br />
and its inserted where the form would be. This way i just have to update the javascript file, and every page that needs it gets updated. if you have a better way, tell me!<!--content-->Originally posted by GP1183 <br />
no serverside technologys :(. Eh, i found a way around it. I made a javascript and it goes somethin like<br />
<br />
document.write('<form><select><objects></select></form>');<br />
<br />
and its inserted where the form would be. This way i just have to update the javascript file, and every page that needs it gets updated. if you have a better way, tell me! <br />
<br />
if you can't use a server side script then javascript will have to do. Another option would be SSI, but that might not be available to you on your rather featureless server.<!--content-->