Form Select box question?


I have a select box, where the user clicks on an option and a link takes them to a new page. The problem I have is that if they click the back button on the browser, the last option they clicked is still displayed in the box. I'd like it to to go back to 'Select Department',<br />
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<option>-Select Department-<br />
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Can someone tell me how I would go about this? I thought maybe if the page was refreshed that would do it, but even if I click refresh, it doesn't change. <br />
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Does anyone know if this can be done and if so how?<br />
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Thanks in advance!<!--content-->onload="document.myform.reset();"<!--content-->Thank you, but thhat leads me to another question!<br />
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I already have an onload event, can I have more than one? Here's what I have:<br />
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<body onload="scrolltop()" onunload="stoptimer()"><br />
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How do I add the other event, if that's possible!<br />
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Thanks again!<!--content--><body onload="scrolltop();document.forms[0].reset();" onunload="stoptimer()"><!--content--><body onload="document.myform.reset(); scrolltop()" onunload="stoptimer()"><!--content-->Thank you....both!<br />
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Looks like you must've both been posting at the same time<!--content-->It happens :D<!--content-->Sure does. :D<!--content-->