Form Question


Afternoon- <br />
Is there a way that anyone knows of to have the cursor jump to the next box when the max input is entered such as with a phone number???<br />
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Does anyone know if the email based forms are supposed to work on AOL/Netscape???? All that happens with what I am working on is the email editor pops up when the submit button is hit????<br />
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Thanks Bodhy~<!--content-->For the first part of the question, you can use JavaScript. I would do a check on the onKeyPress event of the text box (I think this works only in textarea though, not sure). If number of characters is reached, then send cursor to the next box:<br />
the_next_box.focus().<br />
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With the email part, the most important thing is that the browsers in question actually mail it off to you, right? So, check that. If you want another page to load after the submit button is pressed, you might want to use the onSubmit event, again with JavaScript.<br />
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But the email thing could go wrong, because there are many browsers out there. In your case, I would sign up for a free account from tripod, for example. I mean, in addition to what you have now. There they have CGI and you could send the user to a CGI script instead, which is nearly guaranteed to work 100% of the time.<!--content-->Thanks Pellinore- I was able to find it with onKeyUp thanks again.<!--content-->