Form in JSP Page not Submitting


New Member
I have a jsp page which has a form embedded and I'm submitting the form via JavaScript.When the page has say aroung 10-50 items the submit is working fine but if the page has aroud 500 items or more its not submitting.After I click the submit button the page just stays in the current page and it just keeps loading.How can I solve this issue.A sample code is shown below:\[code\]<html><script type="text/javascript">function submitChecked() { var approveStr=""; var approveArr=new Array(); if(document.frmReleaseDetail.checkBoxVer.length != undefined) { for(var i=0; i < document.frmReleaseDetail.checkBoxVer.length; i++) { if(document.frmReleaseDetail.checkBoxVer.checked) { approveStr +=document.frmReleaseDetail.checkBoxVer.value + ","; approveArr.push(document.frmReleaseDetail.checkBoxVer.value); } } if(approveStr=="") alert("Please make a selection by clicking atleast one checkbox"); else { document.getElementById("passCheckVerVal").value=; document.forms["newForm"].submit(); } } //end of if checking multiple checkboxeselse //if the page has only one checkbox(version) { if(document.frmReleaseDetail.checkBoxVer.checked) { window.location = "process.jsp?passCheckVer="+document.frmReleaseDetail.checkBoxVer.value+'&u_trackingRequestID=<%=request.getParameter("u_trackingRequestID")%>'; } else alert("Please make a selection by clicking atleast one checkbox"); }}</script><body><%String newTrackingReqId=request.getParameter("u_trackingRequestID");%><form name=frmReleaseDetail>//jdbc code//100's checkbox named checkBoxVer//button to invoke submitChecked javascript function</form><form name=newForm" id="newForm" action="process.jsp" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="passCheckVer" id="passCheckVerVal"/><input type="hidden" name="u_trackingRequestID" id="u_trackingRequestIDVal" value="<%=newTrackingReqId%>"/></form></body></html>\[/code\]