Form box, different result depending on input


How can I do this? Say, I have an input box, where the visitor types in an answer. Like, <br />
<br />
"How much is your pledge (in dollars)?"<br />
<br />
Depending on what they input and then click SUBMIT or whatever, it would display what they get. Ideally, right there on that page or I guess it could open a new page. Rules...<br />
<br />
If the answer is 1 to 10, they get A<br />
If the answer is 11 to 19, they get A and B<br />
If the answer is 20 to 49, they get A, B and C<br />
If the answer is 50 or more, they get A, B, C, D<!--content-->You have to lay your hands on a programming language. If you want it done right on the page, you can use Javascript. If you don't mind opening a new window or reloading the page, then you can use, CGI, PHP, ASP etc.<!--content-->