form authentication related..


hai everyone
i am making use of form authentication and it is used to load the currently requested page...

all of this is working perfectly but the problem i that by default i am loading a page with 3 frames ..... it is loaded perfectly
by after wards i observed that if the user request for the pages which are show in the frames directly (typeing the url )he is show that page ... I WANT TO STOP THIS the pages should be show only in the main page that is inside the corresponding frames...How can i achive this

if i place a redirect inside the pages then it will create a infinite loop as frame is also trying to load the same page..
so is there any option so that i am always directed to the main page if i submit login form no matter which form is requested .....
i have tryed simply placing


instead of FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(s,false);

but it will as for the credential again .....

so any one have any kind of solution to this problem..
austinwhy do you need the frames? You might try grabbing the referrer and making sure it is the proper parent.