Foreign Language And Other Settings In Bulletin Board


I used the "Bulletin Board" under CPanel to install my bbs/forum. I have had these problems for quite a whole but I always ignore them. But now the traffic in my bbs is increasing and I can not ignore it anymore. I search the forum here but really can not find an answer. So it will be greatly appreciated if any one of you can help. Here are the questions<br /><br />1. The bbs seems to have problem on foreign language, like Traditional/Simplified Chinese. If the user typed in Chinese, especially in the topics, it will apear as meanless coding.<br /><br />I know one thing I can do, is to ask the members to turn on special language in IE before they do anything, but then they will have to do it everythime they view/post a new page. Plus, the users won't always cooperate. They will just throw complaints, or they will just leave.<br /><br />Is there anyway to resolve this ?<br /><br />I have seen other web site using the same php bbs in Chinese, and they don't seem to have the problem<br /><br />2. Is there a way to let the bbs inform me evertime there is a new post there ?<br />I have activate to inform me when there is a reply. But, that is not the purpose of my board. I do my tech support on my bbs, so I will want to know if there is a new question on the bbs. The "new post since last login" only print the new topic. and "remind my by email when there is a reply" only inform me through email. Anyway, it is difficult to manage these two together.<br /><br />3. Is there anyway for enforce my new member to enter certain info before they can even try to get approved ? Now only email and user ID are required.<br /><br />Any help will be greatly appreciated<br /><br />Regards<br />S-Y. Chen<!--content-->
And, if this is not the best place to post this question, please let me know where should I post it. I am really totally confused............<br /><br />Regards<br />S-Y. Chen<br /><!--content-->
Welcome to the forum, sychen. <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><br /><br />While I don纾