Forced formating of IFRAME


Sorry if I'm repeating the question - quick search didn't find the answer...<br />
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Is there a way to force my own formatting (just font size and color) of pre-formatted text within IFRAME which I can't format directly?<!--content-->Originally posted by zorz <br />
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Is there a way to force my own formatting (just font size and color) of pre-formatted text within IFRAME which I can't format directly? <br />
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You have to explain a bit more eaxtly what you are looking for.<br />
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Are you asking how to change the look of a page you are browsing in your own browser or are you making a webpage which links to an external page you have no access to or something else?<!--content-->Second option. My IFRAME contains a simple HTML text page which is returned by a Perl script on my site.<br />
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I can't edit the returned text directly, it's pre-formatted. So, I noticed that IFRAME has STYLE as a parameter. Does it mean that in conjunction with DIV tag I can affect IFRAME's content? Can I "overlay" it with my custom font size and color formating?<!--content-->Well theoretically I assume you should be able to do something like<br />
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iframe p {color:blue;}<br />
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Havn't tried it myself though.<br />
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Of cource if you have the ability to place a link to an external stylesheet in the file you import via iframe, they that would be the easiest solution.<!--content-->