Force A Refresh, Part 2


Hi everyone... I recently designed a site which received regular updates, however, unless you click the refresh button or clear your cache, the updates don't show up... they just show the version that's already been stored.<br />
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I searched for forums on here and came up with this thread:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... +OR+UPDATE</a><!-- m --><br />
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This thread tells you that by adding some extra things to the HTML coding that the page will basically expire as soon as it is loaded and force a refresh... or atleast that's what I gathered.<br />
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My question is will this cause EVERYTHING to reload (the html page, the jpegs/gifs, flash animation) or will it simply reload the HTML page?<br />
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This is somewhat of a concern for me because I do not want the user to have to reDownload <!--more--> every single image file or animation, nor do I want them eating up the bandwidth in doing so.<br />
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Any input will be greatly appreciated. :)<!--content-->I believe it will only cause the page to reload. Images or other multimedia files will not be affected.<!--content-->Yes, I agree with should only reload your HTML content...<!--content-->Thanks a lot guys! :D <br />
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Oh yeah... I just heard about this forum not too long ago... looks like I should frquent it. Lots of good information here. :cool:<!--content-->