for those of you who are familiar with HTML+TIME...


i just kinda came by this new thing....and i tried out an example of it, and it looked pretty cool, however, when i saw its coding, it kinda confused me....<br />
im somewhat confused about how setting a classes behavior: url to #default#time2 etc...does what is shown and im also confused about using the DUR=".." and other new attributes.<br />
if any of you could explain them to me, it would be greatly appreciated.<br />
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thanx<!--content-->Define the class attribute .time {behavior: url(#default#time2);}<br />
Each time you use that class you must add attributes BEGIN (start the timer) and DUR (duration of timer - how long it runs)<br />
There are other addributes which define the action: dislpy, hide, repeat action etc..<br />
Let Microsoft (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... es/dur.asp</a><!-- m -->) explain it to you, IE specific.<!--content-->thanx for the link! it really helped me out!<!--content-->