For god sake help me please!


I have a website that was created in dreamweaver 4, I have used many layers within my site and extentions. I have tried and tried to work around the two browsers MSIE and Netscape, but can't seem to figure out how to do this. My site is fine in MSIE but a complete MESS in Netscape. Anyone have some tips for me so I may prevent my nervous breakdown?<br />
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Here's my site<br />
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
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Thanks a bunch<!--content-->I see what you mean, a couple pages are hosed pretty good. Why don't you use tables for organizing your page. it should be easier to work with and works well cross-browser.<!--content-->The problem is I have many overlapping layers that won't convert. I'm so upset :(<!--content-->Yes I understand your frustration. However, layers do not work well with netscape, and so aren't really as cross-browser friendly as you might think. What would I do? <br />
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You probably dont want to hear this, but I am going to say it anyway. Using a WYSIWYG editor is going to cause some problems. Your site is not that comlex that you couldn't lay it out in tables. Go ahead and use layers-but don't overlap! The choose layout-layers, convert to tables. Easy as 1-2-3. DW will do most of the work for you. <br />
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I also noticed, that onMouseover of a link, the browser tried to Download <!--more--> something....maybe a rollover that I can't seem to see. DW is notoriously bad for writing JS rollovers which do not pre-load the images, thus loading from the server each time you pass over them. <br />
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The pages look great in IE, but if you want to view them in Netscape, your going to have to go backwards a few steps. <br />
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Your flash movie takes a long time to load on 56k connection.....probably because of the sound file included. I would skip the sound file, or use a shorter 'looping' one. Also maybe speed up the framerate so the words move across the screen in a more fluid motion. <br />
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If you need more assistance, please let us know here! Good luck!<!--content-->Dear Mr Web, I was looking through the forum and saw your posts. I hoped you would reply to my topic! I hate to think of redoing my site again, but I guess there is no choice if I want this to work, just thinking about it makes me want to give up. One thing, my background is one huge do I start to make tables with this as a major part of my layout? Please don't say I have to break it apart. ;) I'm really new to html and web design so forgive me if my lingo is not quite up to speed. Do you have any suggestion as to how I should start this?<!--content-->Sure, I'd be glad to be of help. <br />
First a copy of the website as it is right now, someplace safe. You can refer to this as you make modifications.<br />
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Secondly....web development is not the act of making a design...but rather modifying your design. Many websites change in subtle ways every day. <br />
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Third.....don't despair. Keep your website as is on the web right now. It looks great, and you did a good job. Build your modifications on your local computer, and you can submit them to the web when they are ready. <br />
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Now......your bg image will stay the same, no need for any changes there. Tables will lay right on top of it just as layers did. In fact, you can layout the page in layers (as long as they do not overlap) and later have DW change the format to tables. This is the easiest way. <br />
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Just try to lay it out using non-overlapping layers. Put in all of your pics and such, copy paste in the text...and convert to tables. Then look at it in N and IE. The key concept here is: do not do a whole design in IE, then look at it in Netscape. Do some layout-save-preview in both browsers-then if all is good, move on.<!--content-->Stevie, <br />
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BTW, welcome to the forums!<!--content-->Got ya, I'll see what I can accomplish tonight. I hope it's as easy to do as you make it sound;) If I run into any trouble keep a look out for me, ok?<br />
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Thank for all your help<!--content-->