Fonts Option on IE

Hi:<br />
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I have already finished a web page made complete on HTML and DTHML, because i wanted to make it the most universal possible for all web browsers, but now i have been said that there problems with font size, and i dont know why. Maybe the option wich manages the font size on IE is the trouble? <br />
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Hope you understand my question, my english sux... But i am improving :P<br />
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Greetings.<!--content-->The W3C recommends (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) using em in css.<br />
The 2 problems occurring with font-size are:<br />
1) Users change the text-size option of their browser, intentionally and unintentionally.<br />
2) Web design/implementation does not take the users preference/ignorance into consideration.<br />
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Most webpages break when the font-size is changed.<br />
Design and implementation must take this into account.<br />
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So what went wrong on your page?<!--content-->Hi Fang:<br />
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I' try to explain:<br />
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My web has a DHTML menu, very simple, wich usually doesnt takes more than 750 pixels, but someone has told me that he cant see the last menu word, cause of it goes out of the frame range.<br />
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I have tryed to change my browser font size property, but my menu doesnt change the size, only the text inside the frame. So i dont know what is causing it and i cant see what is really happening because it doesnt happen to my browser (i.e 6.0)<br />
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Thx four your help<!--content-->So the frame and/or menu has a fixed width.<!--content-->Yeah, the web is designed for 800x600 px, and the only problems is the menu, wich is inside a table of 95%. I really dont understand wich is the problem, but i need to fix it of course.<br />
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Afterwards, only 1 person has told me about this bug.<!--content-->Give us a link and w'ill take a look<!--content--><br />
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Sorry but i was uploading the last files. Lets look at them :)<!--content-->The frame width is limiting the width of the content.<br />
I can not see all the content.<br />
I may be better to remove the frames, the left and right frames serve no purpose.<br />
Just center the main table.<!--content-->Cant u see the content? ****, you are the first one who tells me that.. Lateral frames are needed to maintain thedesing, cause 50% people enter my site on 800x600. I dont want the other people on higher resolution to see the frame on left side or right side, but i also dont like the same frame to be the whole page, cause i use 1600x1200 and it is horrible...<!--content-->Your frame width is set to 800 and the content is wider!<br />
The boxes on the right are only halve visible.<br />
You need a floating design or a change in layout.<!--content-->I can see the web perfectly, i have changed my resolution into 800x600, 1024x768 and many other configuration and the frame is correctly sized, with its contents inside them... I dont understand why other people can't see it correctly.<!--content-->I don't know what you changed, but the whole contents is now visible.<!--content-->I changed nothing, hehe, your computer may be crazy. I have just come home and i was reading my emails, nothig else... But if u can see the web then there is no problem for me, thx man :)<!--content-->Mozilla 1.4 can not open the links, ver 1.0 and firebird 0.7 can.<br />
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ie opened with :<br />
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Frameset//EN"><br />
<!-- saved from url=(0027) --><br />
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"><br />
<META content="MSHTML 6.00.2800.1264" name=GENERATOR></HEAD><FRAMESET <br />
rows=*><FRAME src="ardelanoche_com_files/217.26.240.htm"></FRAMESET></HTML><br />
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and now opens with:<br />
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" ""><br />
<!-- saved from url=(0027) --><br />
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE> - Toda la oferta de la noche Valenciana: discotecas, pubs, clubs, agenda semanal, fotos...</TITLE><br />
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><br />
<META content="MSHTML 6.00.2800.1264" name=GENERATOR></HEAD><FRAMESET border=0 <br />
frameSpacing=0 frameBorder=NO cols=*,800,*><FRAME name=izquierda <br />
src="open_files/izquierda.htm" noResize scrolling=no><FRAME name=principal <br />
src="open_files/mapa.htm"><FRAME name=derecha src="open_files/derecha.htm" <br />
noResize scrolling=no></FRAMESET></HTML><!--content-->Dunno why,i changed nothing :)<!--content-->