Font size?


Hello,<br />
I'm having troubles with the font size for my website. My screen setting has the font size set at large (125% the normal font size) and, although on my computer, the font size looked fine, on most other computers, the font size was somewhat small. So, I simply scaled down my font size so that the font would look good on most computers.<br />
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However, I heard about something that could make the font size stay the same on all browsers/computers. Is this possible?<br />
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In my microsoft frontpage, rather than using "pt" for font size, I selected "normal"- this seemed to make the font look the same whenever I would try to increase or decrease the size in Internet Explorere- would this fix my problem?<br />
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Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!<!--content-->Did you already try css for font size?<br />
<p style="font-size: 150%"> You could try using %'s and see if that will do what you want since % resize I thought they might work.<!--content-->i havent used CSS and the font percentage seems to make my problem worse- I just want the font size to look the same on my computer and on everyone elses computer. Any more help?<!--content-->This is weird... You have tried all of the following right? pt % px and just the 1,2,3,-1,-2,-3 stuff correct? If none of them work maybe you should just change the font settings on your machine when you design and set them back when you are not designing.<!--content-->If you want the font size to stay the same size no matter what do this:<br />
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style="font-size:40px;"<br />
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Change the 40 to whatever looks right. To see an example of this in action check out this new site (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) I'm currently making. Not all of the links lead somewhere yet but that's not the point, try changing the text size in IE and nothing will happen.<!--content-->Sorry lavalamp, but Moz. can change the font size<!--content-->I had a feeling someone might point that out, but then I did say:...try changing the text size in IE and nothing will happen.<!--content-->Ok, you did say IE, but should you fix the font size?<br />
What about users who are visually impared. They might want a larger font size.<br />
13% of users ... ;)<!--content-->Well you could always make sure that you fix the font-size to a suitable size, or you could rely on the fact that visually impared people have screen magnifyers.<!--content-->Strictly speaking you shouldn't fix the font size, but one would think that it's pretty darn close to being a victimless crime. People who need to change the screen size to see the words can always just use Opera. It's a better browser anyway. But then I think of my own dear mother. She wouldn't know how to go about getting Opera if it even occurred to her to do so. And the entire bank of computers in my public library all use MSIE. No, thanks to Microsoft you'll need to eschew fixing the font size.<!--content-->B*ll*cks. Would it be OK to offer a huge enlarged font version but still have the default font size as normal?<!--content-->Originally posted by lavalamp <br />
B*ll*cks. Would it be OK to offer a huge enlarged font version but still have the default font size as normal? A far better solution would be to rid the world of MSIE.<!--content-->Lol, maybe when I get older I'll infiltrate Microsoft and make them build a better, standards compliant, browser.<br />
I take it that it would be OK to offer a large font alternative.<!--content-->I dont have a problem with ie excepts for its stupid css bugs, it causes me to have to do twice as much work on my sites.<!--content-->Well, I used CSS in Dreamweaver, and it seems to have fixed the problem- but is CSS supported by many browsers?<!--content-->It is supported well by all newer browsers except for ie, Ie has a lot of css bugs, but in this instance it will work fine. IE bugs show their ugly faces when you try to make css layouts. Mozilla and opera display css perfectly so does ns7 firebird and most other browsers. Older browsers might crap out but when that happens it usually goes into that plain left aligned text mode.<!--content-->If all I'm gonna do is font size, will that work on most browsers?<!--content-->Yes, all widely used browsers will have it (which includes the last few versions of ie, mozilla, opera, netscape etc)<!--content-->