Font size woes......yes....another question...


The font sizes are giving me some trouble right now. On my test page <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> , the font sizes on my left menu are either too large or too small. All I know how to do is (concerning size that is) <font size=-1> or <font size=1> Of course I know the different sizes but here's the problem; font size=-2 is too small even for 800x600, and font size=-1 is too large in comparison to the other font sizes on the page: font size=1 is the same as size=-2, so you know what I'm getting at there. Anything short of using images is evading my train of thought right now. Any suggestions?<!--content-->Using <font size='...'> is so HTML 3.2...<br />
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Seriously though, the <FONT> element is deprecated in HTML and no longer recommended. You should be using the STYLE attribute, either in-line or via stylesheets.<br />
<br />
font-size: x-small<br />
font-size: larger<br />
font-size: 125%<br />
font-size: 12pt<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ntsize.asp</a><!-- m --><!--content-->ok thanks for the tip yeah, but the sizes are still an issue!<!--content-->by default most browsers font size is 10, so if you make it font size=1 you are making it really small. so ifyou make it -1 then you are making it 8 or 9 I can't remember, so I am failing to see what you are trying to do.<br />
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also, not sure about this, but when you use blockquote it has it's own font size, that is why if you use -1 on that is looks different then your menu.<br />
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in your style sheet, put font-size in the body and set it to 10 so all the page can be the same. if you want text bigger than use a class and make it 11 or 12.<!--content-->you should use style sheets (css)<br />
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use the span tags like this<br />
<br />
<span class="test">some test text</span><br />
<br />
the create a style sheet with this in it<br />
<br />
.test<br />
{<br />
font-size: 10px;<br />
}<br />
<br />
the reason i suggest doing this then using <br />
font-size: x-small <br />
font-size: larger <br />
font-size: 125% <br />
<br />
is because dont forget people on linux/mac machines might view your site, if you use the 'px' method then you will always get the same size no matter what machine<!--content-->Ummm... Scoutt? The default size on most browsers is 3 - or 12pt text. <br />
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Here's a the list I have:<br />
<br />
Size 1 - 8 pt. (7.5 for Mac)<br />
Size 2 - 10 pt.<br />
Size 3 - 12 pt.<br />
Size 4 - 14 pt. (13.5 for Mac)<br />
Size 5 - 18 pt.<br />
Size 6 - 24 pt.<br />
Size 7 - 36 pt.<br />
<br />
Even the text options in style sheets work the same way. They specify a certain size. But that may not be the size that you want to have appear. 10 px isn't the same as 10 pt. And even style sheets aren't always cross-browser/cross-platform compatible.<br />
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Jason, is the problem the font size...? Or the amount of text you're using? It looks okay to me with the -1 sizing, but I can see where "Episodes & Movies" might run a bit longer. Is there a way you can shorten that title? Would putting a / between the words work better at the larger size? Or maybe have it as "TV/Movies"? "Series/Films"? <br />
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Peg<!--content-->thanks peg, I was close ;)<!--content-->You're welcome, Scoutt. :)<br />
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<blush>The only reason I know is because I flunked that part of my exam. I was the only one in the class who did. <sigh> I picked 10pt., too. Oh, well... That's what I get for being the only computer idiot in the class, I guess.<br />
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Peg<!--content-->Wow! Thanks for the extreme amount of help! I will definatly be sure to incoperate my style sheets into the page. Geez, where would I be without you people? Haha.<!--content-->