font size -2 and arial face


Please advise why I cant get bold to work with font size -2 and face Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif? If I change my font size to -1 it works. But it doesnt seem to work with -2. <br />
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<font size="-2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong>information here</strong></font><!--content-->I'm using IE6 and I cut and paste your code into notepad...seemed to work okay for me. I changed it to -1 and it got bigger as expected.<!--content-->You shouldn't be using <font> tags anyway since they have been deprecated for some time. It depends on what you are exactly trying to format, but it looks like you probably could use a header tag(<h1>-<h6>) for what you want and then use CSS to format it. A header tag defaults to bold text anyway. Not that you should use a header tag just because you want something bold mind you.<!--content-->It's probably because your font size is reaching a point where making it bold would result in illedgibility. Either way, you should eschew the <font> tag, and use CSS:<br />
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<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: xx-small; font-weight: bold;">information here</span><br />
Which is only marginally different than:<br />
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<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: xx-small;">information here</span><!--content-->Thanks, still not working because I guess I have IE 5.5 and Netscape 4.7<!--content-->Using that CSS should work fine in IE 5.5 and I'm not 100% sure on Netscape 4.7 because CSS usage is shakey at best, but formatting of fonts is just about the best supported part of CSS. I also assume you have a more current non-IE browser than Netscape 4.7. If not, Download <!--more--> Mozilla, Firbird, and Opera asap. All three kick IE 5.5's butt.<!--content-->