Font Family...


Staff member
Is there a list ANYWHERE that you folks are aware of that lists the Font Families installed on windows PC's and their equivalents on MAC? I'm just talking about the 20 or so common fonts that every win98 and higher PC has by default...

I'm trying to do my CSS so it looks good on just about any PC, but I'd like to use fonts that are classier than Ariel...

Johncommon fonts:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="!i"> ... mlThanks!i</a><!-- m --> also found this list (which i've been trying to tweak as i find additional information). to me, it looks pretty windows-heavy. mac fonts are not well represented.

Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif
Arial Black, Arial, Helvetica
Arial Rounded MT Bold, Arial, Helvetica
Book Antiqua, Palatino, serif
Times New Roman, Times, serif
Bookman Old Style, Times New Roman, Geneva
Century Gothic, Arial, Helvetica
Century Schoolbook, Times New Roman, Times
Comic Sans MS, Arial, Helvetica
Garamond, Times New Roman, Times
Haettenschweiler, Arial, Helvetica
Impact, Arial, Helvetica
Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica
Times New Roman, Times
Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica
Verdana, Arial, Helvetica
Verdana, Genevai found this graphic somewhere (can't remember exactly though).