@font-face font rendering doesn't go very well on windows


New Member
I've been working recently with @font-face and started testing on my vbox. Turns out the fonts are not being rendered very well. I researched Firefox and all I kept seeing was turn hardware acceleration off. We can't expect every user to do this. Chrome does this too. Tried the \[code\]Anti-aliasing\[/code\] property and no luck. You can see a picture of the results bellow:
[Win] FireFox, Chrome [Mac] Chrome, FireFoxAs you can see the two left are rendered very poorly, while the two right are awesome. They are using this:\[code\]@font-face{ font-family: "gBok"; font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; src: url(/font/gotham-bold.ttf) format("truetype");}@font-face{ font-family: "gBok"; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; src: url(/font/gotham-book.ttf) format("truetype");}label {font-family: "gBok", Helvetica, serif;font-weight: bold;}\[/code\]Is there something I'm doing wrong? Any advice? Thank you very much for your time.