I'm trying to use a custom font in my attempts to render a pdf from HTML.I've tried it out in HTML, the font shows up, so the path to the font must be correct, and it's probably being used correctly. The font is of type .ttf, and according to the docs on http://xhtml2pdf-base.googlecode.com/hg/doc/xhtml2pdf-en.html, it should render, but it doesn't.Here's what I have in my style tags:\[code\]@font-face { font-family: "Swiss"; src: url("/static/font/swiss.ttf");}body { font-family: "Swiss"; font-size: 12px;}\[/code\]And the html:\[code\]<body> asdf</body>\[/code\]I've tried many things, stripping the quotes off the font url and font family, my body is wrapped inside HTML tags so the html is properly formatted. Everything renders fine when rendering in a web page, but it's not being rendered properly when converting to PDF. Can anyone help me spot the error?