Font color not same as background, but almost same.. Spam?


New Member
When I handle a lot of pictures online....It saves me a lot of time to make font color as same as background.After reading some of the posts here, I think I better stop doing that just to be question.How about making the font color *almost* as same as the background color?Thank you very much.What you could do is set the background color to white, but use a 1px x 1px black image as your background and then use black text. this way it would look like black text on white to google. I wouldn't suggest this for putting in a bunch of keywords or anything, but since you are using it just for some random numbers/letters I don't think google would care if they found out.Mm.... I see.Black background is very important.It makes pictures look better.The background will still appear black if you use a black pixel as your background image. it will override the background color of white.Quote:Thanks Matt.Took me a while to understand what you meant.Duh...