I have a simple site with links to different pages in the top bar.Something like this\[code\]============================================== Index link | Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3==============================================\[/code\]The 'site' is a user interface for a scientific data system on a ship and users will often navigate between the different links depending on the task they wish to perform. The idea is to limit the number of open pages to the links in the top bar, in other words, not having more than one 'Page 1' or 'Page 2' open within one browser session, but rather just navigate to the existing page. These pages contain dynamic JQueryUI information and this will be lost if a new page is opened.I need to be able to give focus to existing pages or open them if they are not already visible.The code below works well if the calling page opened the page needing focus:\[code\]function launchApplication(l_url, l_windowName){ if ( typeof launchApplication.winRefs == 'undefined' ) { launchApplication.winRefs = {}; } if ( typeof launchApplication.winRefs[l_windowName] == 'undefined' || launchApplication.winRefs[l_windowName].closed ) { launchApplication.winRefs[l_windowName] = window.open(l_url, l_windowName); } else { launchApplication.winRefs[l_windowName].focus() }}\[/code\]My problem is referencing pages that were not spawned by the calling page.I have done quite a bit of research and it seems that due to security considerations, open browser windows not spawned by the calling page are not accessible.Is there any way I can implement this functionality? I know the URLs and window names for all pages and browsers are limited to Chrome and Firefox.Any advice greatly appreciated.